Baking with Depression

My obsession with vintage food photography manifested as a printed cookbook, Baking with Depression, that explores crisis response through dessert. I was inspired by my personal experience during the pandemic and a curiosity about how our collective habits might be reflected in another challenging time in history; the Great Depression. With vintage cookbooks as my muse, I replicated retro food photo styling and editing, while utilizing type hierarchy and layout to create a more modern feel. The recipe copy takes on a relatable tone through cheeky, stream-of-consciousness instructions, so it feels like a friend is helping you in the kitchen. 

I printed and distributed 50 cookbooks and hosted a release party on May 20th, 2022 at Paladar Studio in Portland, Oregon. For a cheeky play on traditional art galleries, cakes were placed on pedestals and elevated to high-end art status while larger-than-life prints of photos pulled from the book decorated the walls. Activities like collaging and fridge-magnet-poetry provided low-pressure engagement that made it easy to interact with new and old friends. A guest sign-in sheetcake kept record and guests had the opportunity to taste-test the chocolate depression cupcakes. 

Event photos taken by Brandy Anderson.

Digital Version here!