ART DIRECTION: Nia Musiba (concepting), Macy Eiesland, Kaya Lathrop & Tiana Greene
The theme for PSUGDs winter term A+D class photoshoot was “business casual,” which brings a fun, cheeky tone to the 9-5 office aesthetic. As one of the art directors, alongside Nia Musiba and Macy Eiesland, I did photostyling and directing to create frames that fit the theme. I was also in charge of editing the photos to enhance the dull, hazy look.
The theme was supported by intentionally-selected retro props, like floppy disks and keyboards. We added tons of personality to the photos by prompting students with scenarios like, “you just got fired,” or “you have a deadline in 15 minutes!”
Carrying our direction onto social media, we broke up the portrait shots with quotes and supplemental photos that fit within the theme. We used contemporary colors and style choices to contrast the retro photos and maintain a modern feel.